Monday 9 October 2017

Mise-En-Scene task:

Mise en-scene from Great Baddow High School Media

Task 1: 

1.) Space ships/rockets, new technology, laboratories, scientists, maybe set in space, a space station, futuristic items/places/technology and gadgets.
2.) Flowers, gifts, parks, midnight strolls, based around Autumn/Christmas.
3.) Creepy/abandoned house, based during the night, things that jump out, moving objects, clowns, screams, a rocking chair, dolls, blood, knives/weapons.

Task 2: What meanings/emotions do the following images convey:

Image 1: Looking at this image you get the impression that both characters are looking/listen with intent. By reading the man in the back facial expressions you can see that he is concerned by what he is seeing/hearing as his eyes are focused and his eyebrow and tensed making him appear to be tense and concerned. The man in the front of the image seems to be disconnected by what is going on as his eyes don't seem to be focused on anything. Looking at his facial expression his jaw seems to be tight suggesting he is anxious. Compared to the other character, he seems to be more upset by what is happening rather than confused and concerned. 

Image 2: This image shows two male characters looking in different directions.By looking at their body language it is clear that the older gentle man is protecting the other man as he is crouched over him. Looking at the same gentleman in the hat, his facial expression shows fear as he is looking into the distance suggesting that he is checking the surroundings. The other character is hurt/bleeding and has a shocked look upon his face. This also could be due to pain he is in. He seems to be shaken by what has happened. 

Image 3: It is clear that the man in the center of this image is powerful as he is looking down on the soldiers in this image. His body language shows his authority as he has his hands on his hips and is wearing a different uniform to the other people in the scene. 

Task 3: What does the positioning in the following images reveal about the characters/film:

Image 1: Looking at the image you can tell there is tension between the two characters as they are both sitting at different ends of the sofa. The women has her arms folded which suggests that she is being defensive and is annoyed. The man is looking away from the women, this along with the women's body language and their positioning in this image, suggests that they are arguing with one another. 

Image 2: From this image you can see an axe stuck in some old piece of wood. The wood is rotten so you can tell it has been there from some time. This image gives an indication of violence as there is a random blade in the middle of the image. By looking at this picture t is suggested that the film could be horror/thriller as it suggests violence and danger. 

Image 3: Looking at the position of the characters it is implied that the film genre is action and that is has an element on science fiction. This is implied by the used of the high tech guns giving it a science fiction feel. The positioning of the two characters gives the image a danger element due to them being side to side holding guns.

Image 4: Looking at this image, there is a main character set in the middle on the image. By having this person in the middle of everything going on around them, suggests that this character is important. On the bottom of the image there are millions of what looks like some form of soldiers. By having them lower down than the  character suggests that they aren't as important as the main character in this image. 

Task 4: What types of lighting are used in the following images?

Image A: The lighting is bright in this image bringing the viewers attention to the violence in the scene making it be more dramatic as it creates tension. 

Image B: The lighting used in this image is dark and eerie, only having a single spotlight showing the lower half of the character.  This makes the character seem mysterious as you can't see the full image. 

Image C: The lighting in this image is quite natural making it look realistic. It also makes it look like it is a nice sunny day.

Image D: This images uses black lights. It has both dark and light lighting that creates a contrast for the viewer. It gives the image a scary/mysterious look.

Image E: The lighting in this image is above the characters so only provides little lighting to them. However, there is lighting in front of one of the characters (the animal) suggesting their importance over the other two characters. 

Image F: This image has a dark tone to it which reflects the mood of the two characters in the picture. One of the characters has their head down, along with the dark tone, suggests the characters emotions are sad and disappointing.  

This image uses low lighting which suggests a depressed mood. The key lighting is at the center of the table making the center of the image the main focus point. 

This image also used low lighting give a mysterious feel to this image. The filter lighting is the lamp next to the mirror, giving some light to the character making his clearer to the viewer. The back light is coming form outside the window via the other houses. 

The key light in this image is the lamp post in the back of the shot. This makes the image have dimmed lighting suggesting that it is late at night and gives the picture an eerie atmosphere. 

The key light in this image is coming from the door way. In doing so the character is illuminated revealing her confusion. Having the light yellow contrasts with the grey and black colors used outside. It makes the doorway stand out an have a sense of importance. 

the key light in this picture is the light hanging from the roof. the back light is coming from the lamp on the cabinet in the top right corner of the room. The filtered light is coming from the blinds hanging in front of the window to the right of the picture. All these lights allow the re heart to be bright and the main focus. Also, by having the be in black and white with only key features being colored like the red heart and the blonde hair, makes the view question what is happening in the image as well as what is about to happen.  

1 comment:

  1. Really thorough work Grace - you have put in some fantastic thought here.
    - Could you upload your advert emaze too please?
