Friday 15 December 2017

Daily Mail Front Page Task

Daily Mail Front Page remake: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's engagement cancelled

The exclusive interview:

The paper:


The task was to complete a front page newspaper for the Daily Mail on a story regarding the end of engagement between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. We had to report information given from a scoop as well as do research in order to write the article 

Before building my front page newspaper, I looked into previous papers in order to have a better understanding of the layout such as text font and size. I also wanted to find a paper from the Daily Mail I could base mine on. This research also meant that i could look into the the tpes of stories the Daily Mail tend to report as well as how they report it. From this research it was clear to see that the Daily Mail tends to report the main story in a dramatic way as well as being the more relevant article. The paper also has a side story that tends to be more about celebs or to do with sport. This is something i wanted m front page to have in order to create a resemblance between an actual paper and the mock paper. I researched what font is used in the Daily Mail and found that they have a unique text that they only have. This meant that I would have to find the nearest front. I found a front page and kept going through different fonts till I found one that I felt was similar (shown below).
I then looked into the relationship of Meghan and Prince Harry for example when they met and how as well as how long the couple had been together. This was in order to have an understanding of the relation as well as use information that would benefit the article. I did the same for my side article. I looked at the recent news to see if there was anything that could be used. I went with the article on the Daily Mail website about Serena Williams being ticketed $281 for speeding. My target audience for this task was the C2, D and E demographic. These demographics are the normal target audience for the Daily Mail. Also, the Daily Mail is known to be royalist therefore the audience is more than likely to be royalist too.

During this task I found finding the correct font and making the correct size the most challenging. Due to the Daily Mail having their own font size it became a difficult task. Getting all the paper's layout correct defiantly was the most challenging as there are so many factors that you have to consider that at the begging, I didn't even think about. However, after adjusting the front page multiple times, I was pleased with the outcome. Other people who viewed my final product said that they could see that it was similar to a real Daily Mail Paper. 

6) Identify what went well and with hindsight what you do to improve/do differently. 
To improve next time, I w
What have you learnt from completing this task?

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