Wednesday 1 November 2017

Newspapers: Broadsheet and Tabloids

There are 3 different categories that each paper can fir into. It can be Mid-Market, Popular or Quality:

Daily Mail = Mid-Market
The Sun = Popular
The Telegraph = Quality 
Metro = Mid-Market 
Daily Mirror = Popular
The Guardian = Quality 
The Times = Quality 
Sunday Times = Quality 
i = Quality 
Daily Express = Mid-Market
Sunday Express = Mid-Market 

Two categories of a newspaper can be Broadsheet and Tabloid: 

- Features of a Broadsheet Newspaper:
  • One Photo
  • Political articles 
  • One main bold title
  • Expensive (£1.60-£2.00)
  • Formal Language 
  • Clean layout/straight lines 
  • Small writing (have ti stop to read)
  • Big quantity of writing/longer articles/details (take/invest time)
  • Multiple articles on the front page 
  • Has a form of contence page above title
  • Aimed at A, B and C1 demographic
  • 'Quality' or 'Serious' press

- Features of a Tabloid Newspaper:
  • Busy/Messy layout 
  • Loads of colour
  • Lots of different headlines
  • Headlines try to add comedy aspect/chatty/puns
  • No main articles on the front page 
  • Advertisement (Free Stuff)
  • Big colourful pictures 
  • Appeals to C2, D and E demographic 
  • Don't expect you to read loads/limited articles
  • Popular Press
  • More of a gossip (Not politics more lifestyle)
  • Games/quiz/scratch cards

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