Friday 20 October 2017



Dr Cages:

Regional identity 


Task: Choose one 'Dr Cages'. Write about the stereotypes about the group you've chosen. Then find 3 media products that use stereotypes as well as one counter type. 


- Gender stereotypes:

  • Women are dependent on males
  • Women are nurses, not doctors
  • Women are not as strong as men
  • Women are supposed to make less money than men
  • The best women are stay at home moms
  • Women are not politicians
  • Women are supposed to be submissive and do as they are told
  • Women are supposed to cook and do housework
  • Women are responsible for raising children
  • Women do not have technical skills and are not good at "hands on" projects such as car repairs
  • Women are meant to be the damsel in distress; never the hero
  • Women are supposed to look pretty and be looked at
  • Women love to sing and dance
  • Women do not play video games
  • Women are flirts
  • Women are never in charge
  • All men enjoy working on cars
  • Men are not nurses, they are doctors
  • Men do "dirty jobs" such as construction and mechanics; they are not secretaries, teachers,
  • Men do not do housework and they are not responsible for taking care of children
  • Men play video games
  • Men play sports
  • Men enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, and hiking
  • Men are in charge; they are always at the top
  • As husbands, men tell their wives what to do
  • Men are lazy and/or messy
  • Men are good at math
  • It is always men who work in science, engineering, and other technical fields
  • Men do not cook, sew, or do crafts

Examples of gender stereotypes in the media:

In this music video women are portrayed as being the domestic one in a relationship. The song is about the requirements of both the man and the women in a relationship. The man seems to be portrayed as needing to buy their partner gifts and fit a range of criteria. 

Looking at this magazine cover there is a sexist approach as to what men read. This cover shows the magazines articles and shows them to be about how to gain a six pack and women. This suggests that in order to be seen as male you need to be physically fit and strong as well as be interested in women. Not only that but they have used a male model who is well kept and who appears to be physically fit. This also gives the impression that men needs to be well kept, good looking and should appear to be physically fit.  

In this clip from the film James Bond they have only used male actors. This could be deemed stereotypical as in all of the violent and dangerous scenes it is only male actors, even the close up of the lorry driver reveals he is male. By doing so it is made to be believed that only males are allowed to partake in dangerous situations as well as capable to fight.The police involved in this scene are also male which adds to the stereotypical job genders. By having no women involved means that there is an opinion formed that only men can be spy's and be involved in this level of danger. In the James Bond film's women are mainly used/portrayed in a sexual manner. This clear gender divide making the film extremely stereotypical. 

1 comment:

  1. A good list of stereotypes.
    - Re-explore the texts though - The Megan Traynor video has more interesting things to say. Please analyse all three texts, and find a COUNTERTYPE.
