Tuesday 10 October 2017

Gillette Advert

Task: Focus on Language, Representation and Audience in this advert


This advert gives the Preferred reading that by using the Gillette shaver you will be successful in work (this is shown by the boss appointing the male actor what appears to be a promotion), in sport (lifting of the trophy) and in family/relationships (son and dad shaving together and women running after him). The opposition reading in this advert is that a range of different men can use this product. The negotiated reading in this advert is that by using this product if for the family man but also gets the view that it doesn't make you get the promotion or get you women. 

The representation in this advert plays up to the stereotypical genders. The male role is portrayed as being strong, successful as well as popular with the ladies. The main parts in this advert where they use women is for the roles like mother and wife. There is a scene in the advert that has a women running into the  arms of a man. This creates a gender divide making the advert sexist to some viewers. 

The audience for this advert is mainly men in there early 20 to mid 30's. Due to the use of the product, as well as the cast in the advert, makes the audience prominently male. 

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